Friday, February 12, 2010

"What's with the name?"

Welcome to our new family blog. I am sure you are asking yourself, "What's with the name? Isn't this a blog about the family? Brodie? The new baby?" Yes, it is. The name is a tribute to my Mom, because of something she said back in 2007, the day we told her we were pregnant with Brodie. We had just had the ultrasound that confirmed the pregnancy and we called her on the way home. It was very early in the morning - around 8:00 or so. She answered the phone and I asked her, "Guess what I am holding?" Silence. She then blurted out, "Oh, you fools didn't get another damn dog?!" The disgust in her voice was laughable! Then I told her that I was holding a sonogram printout of her next grandchild. Again, silence.

Who would have guessed that the unexpected existence of Brodie would have made our lives so rich and wonderful? He is a star that guides us through all that we do and gives us reason to keep on keepin' on.

And so, in the same week wherein we are thrilled to announce that our family will be growing by two feet, we begin this new blog. The Brodie Blog was a great way to keep our family and friends informed of what was happening with the pregnancy and his early life, as well as our life in general. Now that Brodie will be a big brother (unless we have a girl, in which case he'll be a sister, right? I'm Polish, you know!?), we think it is a good idea to start blogging again.

There will be ups and downs. There will be mention made of our four-legged kids. There will be laughter and tears. There will be curse words in reference to our four-legged kids. There will always be something to share with you - the people we love and hold dear. We invite and encourage you to comment on posts and suggest things for blog topics.


Lyn and Scott said...

Why is the comment section not working?

Anonymous said...

Hey, can comment now!